Bardsey Primary keeps Good Ofsted rating

NAWN 1801161AM1Deputy Head Mark Knight and pupils at Bardsey Primary School celebrate their good Ofsted report. (1801161AM1)NAWN 1801161AM1Deputy Head Mark Knight and pupils at Bardsey Primary School celebrate their good Ofsted report. (1801161AM1)
NAWN 1801161AM1Deputy Head Mark Knight and pupils at Bardsey Primary School celebrate their good Ofsted report. (1801161AM1)
A family atmosphere and improved learning are just some of the key improvements highlighted by a government inspector during a recently Ofsted visit to Bardsey Primary.

The 183-pupil school, in Woodacre Lane, maintained its 2013 Ofsted rating of Good during last month’s inspection.

Deputy Headteacher Mark Knight, speaking during the absence due to illness of Head Sally Clark, said: “This inspection noted the way in which the school has responded effectively to the points for improvement from the previous inspection.

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“Maths teaching and learning has improved with children’s skills in arithmetic and reasoning developing significantly.

“Middle leadership has developed also from the last inspection especially with the setting up of subject teams to monitor the quality of teaching and learning.”

Inspector Ella Besharati said in her report that the leadership team has developed a happy and nurturing environment in which everyone is welcome and included.

“Pupils and parents alike say that it is like a family,” stated Ms Besharati.

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“The school sits very much at the heart of the community, investing heavily in experiences to enrich pupils’ learning. For example, pupils appreciate opportunities such as building a life-size replica of an Iron Age roundhouse in the school grounds and investigating priest holes in old buildings in the village.”

She added that pupils enjoy going to school and find lessons interesting and that most parents praised the dedication of the Headteacher Mrs Sally Clark, who has been at the school for six years.

“Pupils told me that they feel safe at school,” added Ms Besharati.

“They are aware of different types of bullying and know how to stay safe online. Furthermore, pupils and parents believe that bullying is rare, but if it does happen, staff act quickly to sort it out.”

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She added that the school has greatly improved the way in which maths is taught but at times the most able pupils are not given enough opportunities to challenge themselves further.

“The school recognises that there is still work to be done in raising the achievement of the most able pupils,” added Ms Besharati who said other areas for improvement included learning in subjects other than English and maths.